Is It Time for Duct Cleaning?


The change of seasons means a lot of preparation for Sacramento homeowners. We’re changing batteries in smoke detectors, hanging Halloween decorations, and making sure everything’s shipshape for the cooler months ahead. Should you be putting duct cleaning on your to-do list? Ace Plumbing has answers.

Your duct work has ways of letting you know it needs a thorough cleaning. Here are five warning signs to look out for.


It should go without saying that you should be changing your HVAC filters on a regular basis. However, if you’re behind schedule, the dust, pet hair, and other debris those filters would normally keep out of the air is going into your ducts instead. If you’re noticing more dust than usual and your filters are new, your ducts are the likely source of your problems.

Illness and Allergies

Dust isn’t the only indoor allergen your ductwork can harbor. Pollen can infiltrate your ducts. So, too, can mold and mildew. If you notice that your allergies are bothering you more than usual – even indoors, when you’re away from common outdoor allergens – having your ducts inspected and cleaned can help. If you don’t have allergies but notice that you and others in your family are suddenly coming down with respiratory illnesses, or if you’re experiencing an uptick in asthma flare-ups, call an HVAC professional.

Unusual Sounds

Over time, we get used to the sounds our homes make. If your heat or air conditioning come on and you’re not hearing the same sounds you’d normally hear – the usual “whoosh” is quieter or sounds different – it could be because of an obstruction, or a buildup of dust and debris in your system. If the sound isn’t coming from the HVAC system itself, and if you’ve cleaned your filter, the ducts deserve a closer look.

Bad Smells

It doesn’t happen very often, but sometimes you’ll have unwanted visitors that have chewed, clawed, or crawled their way into your ductwork. Just because they’ve gotten in doesn’t mean they’ll have an easy time getting out, and… well, sometimes they expire in there. That can lead to obstructions and bad smells, as well as bacteria and other pests circulating in the system.

Higher Energy Bills

A dirty filter or dirty ducts won’t be as efficient as they would be if they were clean. If you notice your energy bills edging up, call your Sacramento HVAC professionals. There can be a number of different causes at work here, from dirty filters and ducts to an inefficient furnace, poor home insulation, or inefficient appliances. We can help you eliminate some of the more common culprits, troubleshoot problems related to your plumbing and HVAC, and make suggestions if the source of your problem doesn’t fall within our usual service expertise. For more information – or for HVAC tune-ups around Sacramento – call Ace Plumbing today, and be sure to check for HVAC service coupons!